Fall napkins with mitered corners - tutorial

Yesterday there was talk of Thanksgiving and what our plans will be.  My mind immediately went to these fall napkins that I made about 4 years ago as a gift.  (please excuse my crummy photos from years ago)

This is the fabric I used.

The first thing to do is cut the fabric into exact squares.  I chose to make 20" napkins, so my squares need to be 21 1/4".  You can cut 2 napkin squares out of 1 width of fabric.  You will need to decide how many napkins you want, and buy yardage accordingly.  I made 12 napkins so I needed enough yardage to fit 6 napkins (127 1/2").  That means that I need to buy 3 2/3 yards (132" - there will be a bit extra).  The fabric is folded in half so I will really have enough for all 12 napkins.

Fold 1/4" in on all four sides and press.

Fold the napkin at a diagonal like this.

 Make a triangle pattern out of card stock.  The width of the short side of the triangle will be the width of the hem.  I want my hem to be 1" so my triangle measures 1" on the short side.
Match up the triangle pattern to the folded corner of the napkin and mark with a pencil.

Stitch on the pencil line.

Trim the seam at 1/4".  To avoid the tread tails from coming out exactly in the corners, I started and stopped my stitching off of this inside corner.  That way when I topstitch the hem in place, the tails will be neatly tucked inside the hem.

Mass production time.  Do this 47 more times.  You will be a pro!

 Turn each corner inside out.

 Then top stitch.

Beautiful perfect mitered corners

 Stack them all up, and wait for Thanksgiving to arrive.

 Don't forget to make a matching table topper.

Enjoy your holidays!


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